I like the latest release: the script additions, the new GUI, except for the keycolors that are terribly difficult to read.

FIXED Crash when using certain context menus.FIXED Crash when double-clicking on the header of Expert>Groups tab.
#Kontakt 5.6.5 update torrent full
Click on the link corresponding to your operating system to download the full installer. The table below provides download links to the last compatible KONTAKT (Player) versions that can be installed on operating systems no longer supported by Native Instruments. FIXED The KSP bitwise operators would cause parse errors in certain cases KONTAKT (Player) Legacy Installers for Older Operating Systems.FIXED Vertical window resizing was sluggish under certain conditions Multimedia tools downloads - Native Instruments Kontakt by Native Instruments GmbH and many more programs are available for instant and free download.FIXED The Group MIDI Channel setting menu was broken.

FIXED Some effects would block sound when loaded through KSP.ADDED Re-introduced the Global Purge controls (removed with 5.6.0) as part of the File menu Kontakt 5.6.Kontakt 5.6.5 is coming soon and contains the following updates and improvements: